You know the day is going to be awesome when a wet tongue wakes you up in the morning (a doggy tongue, you pervs)! I woke up to Atty, Eric’s beagle mix licking my face, quickly followed by his brother, Leo. Despite my best intention to ignore them, wet noses kept nudging at my hands, begging me to pet them. In fact, when I tried to half-ass pet them, in other words, just put my hand on them without any petting motions, Atty would patiently nudge my hand and lick my face until I paid attention. Finally, after ten minutes,…

Fourth of July was in general a very chillaxing day. I woke up to the unpleasant noise of Leo (take a normal dog bark and amplify it 10X, that is how loud his bark is), Eric’s Korgie/Beagle mix, howling at the sound of sirens. Because I had completely passed out the night before from exhaustion, when I woke up, I found myself extremely disorientated. For a few seconds I thought to myself, “since when did my roommate get a dog?” Then I realized that I was not in Austin, Texas anymore, but in fact, in my friend’s loft in downtown…

This past weekend (April 13-14) I shot with my Moth to Flame team for two days in the middle of nowhere, for a country music video shoot with a local band called Patton Sparks and my friend’s company, ColoredLion. The effect of being in the boonies for me was the opportunity to reflect. Perhaps it’s being away from the chaos of the city or from modern technology (we had no reception), but I really had time to think about what it means to be a filmmaker. get your ex back Filmmakers are crazy. If I were to explain to any…

After a great night with Devang, we wanted to spend the next day further exploring Mumbai. Devang had mentioned, “The Crawford Market is usually full of a lot of people and dirty and extremely crowded, but it’s where you find every day stuff that locals buy. Stuff there is really cheap. It’s really crowded and dirty…you probably wouldn’t want to go.” Extremely crowded? Dirty? Cheap? Paul and I said, “Hell ya!” We set off the following morning after a few hours of work (because the internet was FREE) to find this Crawford Market. Before we got too far, I noticed…

Day 10 (The Power to Change a World) Last day together as a group in Mumbai. Many of us are splitting off to go to other locations within India or other countries (Goa, Nepal, Carola, and Paris). However, Paul and I decided to stay in Mumbai to meet the parents and friends of our dear friend Suma.   Our final two group stops: Leela Hotels (real estate) and Lend-a-Hand. For once, I made the early morning meeting time of 8:30 am. Except I didn’t, as Doggett wanted to transfer footage because he was leaving later in the afternoon. So technically,…

Day 6 (Mmm….Mango Lassi) full article here Ahmedabad, what a tidy city. It constantly brought to mind how we all take the simple luxuries of cleanliness for granted. Both the skies and streets lacked the pollution we had come to expect; the city even felt safer and less chaotic. (Fun Fact: Gandhi spent a large part of his life in Ahmedabad, and at his request the city became a dry state (alcohol is illegal)).   Either alarms must hate us or we hate alarms. Despite the 10 am meeting time, Caroline and I once again missed our alarm and woke…

Day 4 (Epic Morning, Epic Sunrise, Epic History) Let’s start things off with a short treatment of my morning: Christine’s Epic Morning INT. ShangriLa Hotel Room – Morning 5:19 AM The room, clothed in darkness, echoes the DEEP SLUMBERING SOUNDS of two women, CAROLINE KOLB and CHRISTINE CHEN, peacefully sleeping in their hotel beds. Suddenly a KNOCK. CHRISTINE Uhhhh…. Did someone knock? MYSTERY PERSON Umm… it’s Paul. CHRISTINE SHITTTTT!!!!!!! CAROLINE!!!! SHITTT!! DID THE ALARM NOT GO OFF? CAROLINE Huh? CHRISTINE THE ALARM!! We’re supposed to be down at 5:30 AM or we’re going to miss the train!!!! CAROLINE F&%*! My…

Day 2 (Business by day, terrified by night) Nothing quite describes the horribleness associated with an 8 am wakeup call when your body has not yet adjusted to a new time zone. (I know how I keep going on about passing out all the time, but it doesn’t seem to help.) Exquisite breakfast, however, makes all the difference, and I proceeded to casually stroll down in my travel attire to the eating area. Slightly behind schedule I might add, but who cares when delectable food abounds.   Apparently my classmates, dressed in business casual, had all prepared to visit the…