…..So three weeks and three trips to Houston later, I’ve got a dress and a Church!!! You have no idea how good it feels to have those 2 VERY important things done this early. I feel like I should get an award for only having to visit one church and 3 dress shops, but I know I got lucky. So I’ll try to keep things in perspective. But lets discuss a few things concerning these 2.   #1- THE DRESS: Wedding Dress – Lyceum Galveston Moth to Flame     I had looked at dresses online early on and…

Dear Diary,   Our first weekend of production on Funemployment, despite being stressful has been an incredible experience. I have spent the last few days recovering and reflecting on everything that has occurred thus far and the biggest conclusion that I have reached is that Moth to Flame is truly a blessed company.   It is a honor for me to work with and be surrounded by talent, crew, and friends who believe in Moth to Flame and our movie. I must say, several moments throughout filming, I felt like crying (and at some moments, did) because this dream that…

oem software One of Moth to Flame’s biggest projects is finally here. This creation of this debut music video for Drastik’s new single “Explain to Me” started back in Feb 2012! We hope you enjoy our first ever fully animated music video. Stay tuned for the behind the scenes video! zp8497586rq

I love directing music videos because it combines two of my great loves, filmmaking and music. For me, not having to deal with sound design is definitely one of the biggest perks. I leave THAT to the pros. Instead, I get to spend copious amounts of time listening to the music and dreaming.   I try to feel and understand what the artist wants to accomplish with the music. I think about questions to ask, such as “what happened when you wrote this song” or “why did you write this song?” Different colors float around in my head or I…

Vivi and I woke up at a relatively decent hour in the morning, expecting to try and catch the morning light for our graffiti photo shoot. Unfortunately, when Vivi took the dogs out, she came back saying that it was unusually hot outside. To provide a bit of context, in Cali terms, hot means anything greater than mid 70s. In Texas terms, hot means anything above 100. Regardless, my friend Dave wanted to meet up for lunch, so we decided to chill at home and work until then.   Vivi made me a wonderful breakfast of cut oats and fruit….

Blogging every day can be a bit time consuming, so today I decided to do what we call a Vlog, a video blog. I have not done this in a while because I find that I am a lot more interesting in writing than on screen, that’s what Kelsey Pribilski is for (check our for her blog post tomorrow), but for the sake of saving some time, here is our video blog from Huntington Beach. I will be less lazy tomorrow! Minimal photography… you’ll see why in the blog.     I did get a chance to take pictures of…